Codemotion Venice 2012: Erlang and the Cloud

A special edition of the Codemotion conference will be held this year in Venice on Saturday the 17th November. The event is free to attend. I will give a talk at 15.40, titled “Erlang and the Cloud”. I will be discussing the suitability of the Erlang programming language for scenarios such as cloud computing and multi-core, explaining how the concurrency model of Erlang maps to multicore architectures and what principles should be kept in mind when designing a scalable application. The Twitter hashtag for my talk is #lang06. The talk should be interesting on its own - well, I’ll do...…


How to Checkout GitHub Pull Requests Locally

I’ve recently bumped into the following useful gist, which I decided to share with all of you. It’s possible to instruct git to fetch pull requests together with the other project branches. Simply open the .git/config file for your project and add the following line under the [remote "origin"] section: fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* To enable this behaviour for all of your git projects, simply run: git config --global --add remote.origin.fetch "+refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*" To fetch all the pull requests for a project: git fetch origin To checkout a specific pull request (say, #53): git checkout pr/53 Enjoy! …


History of a Generation

I wanted to translate this blog post into English, cause I believe it renders an almost perfect picture of Italy as it is today. This is a free translation and all the rights for the original blog post belong to the original author. When I was a child, I was told: “Study, or you’ll go nowhere.” So I’ve studied. After completing my academic career, I’ve been told: “Why did you spend so much time on a degree? Don’t you know that’s a useless piece of paper? You’d better to learn a trade.” I’ve learned a trade. Then, I’ve been told:...…


How they tried to fool

Preface is an interactive Erlang Shell which allows users to try the power of Erlang directly in a browser, without requiring them to install an Erlang runtime system on their machine. Even if intended for Erlang newbies, has been subjected to a countless number of attacks conducted by Erlang experts who wanted to circumvent its sandboxing mechanism and to bring down the Erlang node running the application. I must admit that going through the’s logs is being an highly interesting and constructive experience. In this blog post I will present one of the most elaborated attacks performed...…


Emacs Tips and Tricks

In this blog post I collect some miscellaneous Emacs tips and tricks. Playing with Macros In Emacs, you can record a set of actions that you can then apply to a selected region. As an example, let’s transform the following three lines: First Line Second Line Third Line into a list of items, using a macro: - First Line - Second Line - Third Line Put your cursor on the First line, then start recording a new keyboard macro by typing: C-x ( Jump to the beginning of the line (C-a), insert a dash followed by a space (- )...…
