Profiling Erlang Apps using Redbug

When working with Erlang, I often find myself using a simple profiling technique. The technique allows me to quickly identify where time is spent within a given code path of an Erlang application. When pair programming, people are sometimes astonished how simple and effective this technique is and often fall in love with it. This is why I decided to share it with a wider audience.

I normally adopt this technique as my first attempt when looking for bottlenecks in Erlang code, before attempting more sophisticated routes which may involve using tools such as fprof, eprof or eflame or implementing my own utilities on top of dbg or ttb. You would be surprised to hear how often this approach revealed to be enough, allowing me to stop my profiling analysis straight away.

The technique is based on redbug, an open source debugging tool part of the eper Erlang application. Although redbug is primarily designed as a debugging tool, it can be used quite effectively for profiling purposes, too. In fact, in Erlang the boundary between debugging and profiling is subtle, given that most of the existing debuggers and profilers utilize the powerful Erlang tracing facilities as their own foundation.

In this post, after defining the concepts of tracing and profiling, we will introduce the redbug tool, explaining how to use it for profiling purposes.

Tracing and Profiling

Wikipedia defines tracing as a “specialized use of logging to record information about a program’s execution”, whilst in Erlang and OTP in Action the authors talk of profiling as the ability of “gathering statistics about the code as it’s running, associating the data with corresponding points in the code. In Erlang the two concepts are tightly coupled and most Erlang profilers are implemented using the Erlang tracing functionalities, which allow you to be notified whenever a specific event happens.


Redbug is a debugging utility, which allows you to easily interact with the Erlang tracing facilities. In Erlang, you can generate trace messages whenever certain events occur. An event could be the sending or the receive of a message, or a function being called. Redbug is a wonderful and simple tool which will save your life at least once, if you give him an opportunity. One of my favourite Redbug features is its ability to shut himself down in case of overload. A full description of Redbug esulates from the purpose of this blog post, but we will still go through its main features and use cases.


You can clone redbug via:

$ git clone

Then, compile it with:

$ cd eper
$ make

Ensure eper is included in your path when you start an Erlang shell. You can achieve this by adding the following flag when invoking erl:

$ erl -pa /path/to/eper/ebin

Alternatively, you can add the following line to your ~/.erlang file to get it executed at startup:



Redbug is safe to be used in production, thanks to a self-protecting mechanism against overload, which kills the tool in case too many tracing messages are around, preventing the Erlang node to become overloaded due to an heavy profiling session.

Assuming Redbug is in your path, you can use redbug as follows:

$ erl
Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.4] [...]

Eshell V6.4  (abort with ^G)
1> l(redbug).

2> redbug:start("lists:sort/1").

3> lists:sort([3,2,1]).
% 15:20:20 <0.31.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort([3,2,1])
redbug done, timeout - 1

After ensuring that the redbug module is available and loaded, we start redbug, explaining we are interested in the function named sort with arity 1, exported by the module lists. Remember that, in Erlang lingo, the arity represents the number of input arguments that a given function takes. As the third instruction, we invoke the lists:sort/1 function and we verify that a message is produced by redbug (more about the message below). After the default timeout (15 seconds) redbug stops and displays the message “redbug done”. Redbug is also kind enough to tell us the reason why it stopped (timeout reached) and the number of messages that it collected so far: 1.

Let’s look at the single message produced by redbug. By default messages are printed to the standard output, but it’s also possible to dump them to file.

% 15:20:20 <0.31.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort([3,2,1])

Depending on the version of redbug you are using, you might get a slightly different message. In this case, the message is split across two lines. The first line contains a timestamp, the Process Identifier (aka PID) of the Erlang process which invoked the function and the caller function. The second line contains the function called, including the input arguments. Both lines are prepended with a %, which reminds us of the syntax for Erlang comments.

We can also ask Redbug to produce an extra message for the return value. This is achieved using the following syntax:

4> redbug:start("lists:sort/1->return").

5> lists:sort([3,2,1]).                 

% 15:35:52 <0.31.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort([3,2,1])
% 15:35:52 <0.31.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort/1 -> [1,2,3]
redbug done, timeout - 1

In this case two messages are produced, one when entering the function and one when leaving the same function. This feature will constitute the basis of our profiling technique.

In the above examples, timestamp have the granularity of seconds. When profiling code, you normally work in the range of milliseconds, so those timestamps are not enough. The good news is that you can enable printing of milliseconds in Redbug:

6> redbug:start("lists:sort/1->return", [{print_msec, true}]).

7> lists:sort([3,2,1]).                          

% 15:44:08.030 <0.31.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort([3,2,1])
% 15:44:08.030 <0.31.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort/1 -> [1,2,3]
redbug done, timeout - 1

As you can see, milliseconds are now included in the timestamps. The list to sort in the example was really small, so the entire operation took less than one millisecond.

When dealing with real code, trace messages can be complex and therefore hardly readable. Let’s see what happens if we try to trace the sorting of a list containing 10.000 elements.

8> lists:sort(lists:seq(10000, 1, -1)).                       
% 15:48:42.208 <0.77.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort([10000,9999,9998,9997,9996,9995,9994,9993,9992,9991,9990,9989,9988,9987,9986, 
% 15:48:42.210 <0.77.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort/1 -> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,
redbug done, timeout - 1

I truncated most of the output here, but you should get the idea. Once again, we can use another redbug option to our advantage. Let’s omit the input arguments and the return value from the produced output. The arity option tells Redbug to only display the number of input arguments for the given function, instead of their actual value. The print_return option is my own recent little contribution to Redbug. Setting the option to false tells Redbug not to display the return value and instead to display a '...' symbol. Let’s try again.

9> redbug:start("lists:sort/1->return", [{arity, true}, {print_msec, true}, {print_return, false}]).

10> lists:sort(lists:seq(10000, 1, -1)).                                                             
% 15:55:32.215 <0.77.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort/1

% 15:55:32.216 <0.77.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort/1 -> '...'
redbug done, timeout - 1

That’s a bit more readable. I always tend to start Redbug in quiet mode and to include input arguments and return values only when necessary.

By default, redbug stops after 15 seconds or after 10 messages are received. Those values are a safe default, but they’re usually not enough. You can bump those limits by using the time and msgs options. time is expressed in milliseconds.

11> redbug:start("lists:sort/1->return", [{arity, true}, {print_msec, true}, {print_return, false}, {time, 60 * 1000}, {msgs, 100}]).

You can also activate redbug for several function calls simultaneously.

12> redbug:start(["lists:sort/1->return", "lists:sort_1/3->return"]).

13> lists:sort([4,4,2,1]).                                                           

% 18:39:26 <0.32.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort([4,4,2,1])

% 18:39:26 <0.32.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort_1(4, [2,1], [4])

% 18:39:26 <0.32.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort_1/3 -> [1,2,4,4]

% 18:39:26 <0.32.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort/1 -> [1,2,4,4]
redbug done, timeout - 2

Last but not least, redbug offers the ability to only display results for matching input arguments. This is when the syntax looks a bit like magic.

14> redbug:start(["lists:sort([1,2,5])->return"]).                   

15> lists:sort([4,4,2,1]).                                        

16> lists:sort([1,2,5]).                                          

% 18:45:27 <0.32.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort([1,2,5])

% 18:45:27 <0.32.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort/1 -> [1,2,5]
redbug done, timeout - 1

In the above example, we are telling redbug we’re only interested in function calls to the lists:sort/1 function when the input arguments is the list [1,2,5]. This allows us to remove a huge amount of noise in the case our target function is used by many actors at the same time and we are only interested in a specific use case.

Oh, and don’t forget that you can use the underscore as a wildcard

17> redbug:start(["lists:sort([1,_,5])->return"]).

18> lists:sort([1,2,5]).

% 18:49:07 <0.32.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort([1,2,5])

% 18:49:07 <0.32.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort/1 -> [1,2,5]

19> lists:sort([1,4,5]).

% 18:49:09 <0.32.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort([1,4,5])

% 18:49:09 <0.32.0>({erlang,apply,2})
% lists:sort/1 -> [1,4,5]
redbug done, timeout - 2

This blog post doesn’t pretend to be a comprehensive guide to redbug, so you’re envisaged to have a look to eper yourself. You won’t regret it. A convenient help function exists, too:

13> redbug:help().

Profiling using Redbug

Now, back to our original topic. How should you use redbug for profiling purposes? Well, use the following recipe.

  1. Use the ->return syntax to collect messages when both entering and leaving a function
  2. Use the print_msec option to get milliseconds granularity in timestamps
  3. Use the arity and print_return options to obtain more readable output
  4. Enable redbug for multiple potentially slow functions in one go
  5. Execute the code path which is perceived as slow
  6. Look at the times reported by redbug and focus on the slower function
  7. Look in the implementation for that function for find potential slowness candidates
  8. Repeat points 1-6 for the functions found in 7, until you identify the real bottleneck
  9. Profit

Oh, and if you reached this point, it probably means that this topic of interest to you.

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